Sodium bismuth titanate

Molecular composition:
Na0.5Bi4.5Ti4O15 or  Na0.5Bi(4.5-x)Ce(x)Ti4O15

Bismuth sodium titanate (BNT) is A-site complex ion perovskite ferroelectric. At room temperature, it belongs to the tripartite crystal system, and the Curie temperature is 320℃. It has excellent characteristics such as strong ferroelectricity, small piezoelectric constant and dielectric constant, good acoustic performance, and low sintering, and is considered to be the most attractive lead-free piezoelectric ceramic material.


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NBT-based piezoelectric ferroelectric ceramics have good temperature stability, excellent piezoelectric ferroelectric performance, a small dielectric coefficient, a large anisotropy, especially for high-frequency use. Bismuth titanate (Na0.5Bi0.5) TiO3-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics, because of its high thickness electromechanical coupling coefficient kt, relatively low plane electromechanical coupling coefficient kp, high frequency constant Nt and smaller Dielectric coefficient, to replace the PZT-based series of materials of choice.


Index Name Index
Grain size 1—3um
Water content(wt%) <0.1
High temperature burning reduction(wt%) <0.5
Crystal form Quartet
BaO / TiO2 / Na2CO3 (molar ratio) 1:2:1
SrO(wt%) < 0.05
Fe2O3(wt%) < 0.01
K2O(wt%) < 0.01
Al2O3(wt%) < 0.1
SiO2(wt%) < 0.1
Main application areas Piezoelectric ceramic materials



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